An Inconvenient Truth is a movie which talks about the global warming and climate changes directed by Davis Guggenheim and presented by Albert Arnold "Al" Gore. The idea of the movie come from a slide show directed by talented people in Hollywood. Actually, the film was so long it took over an hour to reach the end. But it was so interesting to me, because Al Gore is a good presenter and he is a funny guy too. Al Gore talked about the huge increasing number of the population. This problem leads the governments to produce more power like electricity and that of course will damage the environment. Because in many countries they burn oil and gases for electricity. Even more important for our growing number is that the technologies we use now are thousands of times more powerful than the ones our grandparents used. Also Al Gore said that we are in a different relationship with our planet and all of us take responsibility for it. The good news is we can become much more productive and raise our chance of living in a right way as we cut down on all this pollution. I think this presentation covered all the things about the global warming and this movie deserves the Nobel Prize. I heard from a different video in YouTube that Bush would not see this movie but that’s why Al Gore wrote the book.
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